A Vi-like programmers text editor that highlights many languages including; c, c++, html, prolog, li
DOWNLOADA Vi-like programmers text editor that highlights many languages including; c, c++, html, prolog, lisp, pascal, cobol, etc. It allows opening/saving of files across ftp. Fully supports all Windows gui enhancements.
This program received 3 awards
I don't write code much anymore. But I use Lemmy editor to edit documents. Works very well.
Thank you thank you thank you! for a line of: a b c (tab character is in-between letters) a command of: s/ /\n/g yields: anbnc However for the line: a b c (tab character is in-between letters) a command of: s/ /^v^m/g (the ^v doesn't appear as Cliff pointed out) yields: a b c which is what I want! Cliff is correct. Thank you!!
I have used Lemmy as my goto VI editor for the past 30 years or so. Don't need anything else.
Me, too. Windows 10 can't open the ,hlp file. Does anyone know how to express a NL (new line) in a regular expression in this vi? Usually I would do this: :g/\//s//\NL/g (with NL hitting the return) That would change all '/' into new lines. Useful after a: $ find . -type f -a -print > filelist.lxt Anyone?
Edro, New line should just be \n. So, your command should read: :g/\//s//\n/g
And, I'm clearly confused. \n is the match for a newline. If you want to put a newline into the substitution, use CTRL-V, then CTRL-M. The CTRL-V isn't visible, but tells the editor to accept the next character as a character, not to interpret it. The final command will look like: :g/\/s//^M/g
Cliff, Thank you thank you thank you! for a line of: a b c (tab character is in-between letters) a command of: s/ /\n/g yields: anbnc However for the line: a b c (tab character is in-between letters) a command of: s/ /^v^m/g (the ^v doesn't appear as Cliff pointed out) yields: a b c which is what I want! Cliff is correct. Thank you!!